App Store policies spark Patreon backlash

1 month ago 16

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Patreon, the platform empowering creators to build sustainable income through direct fan support, finds itself at odds with Apple over the tech giant’s stringent App Store policies.

The latest dispute over App Store rules centres on Apple’s requirement for all iOS app transactions to be processed through their in-app purchase system, a move that Patreon argues undermines their creator-centric philosophy.

In a statement, Patreon explained:

“Patreon exists to let creators make what they love for their biggest fans, and earn an income doing it on their own terms. Everything we build is to make those two things easier for creators. For you.”

Despite Patreon’s commitment to transparency, control, and stability for their creators, they are now facing a deadline of November 2024 to fully integrate Apple’s in-app purchases or risk being removed from the App Store.

This enforced change has significant implications for creators using the platform. Firstly, Apple will be taking a 30% cut of all new memberships and shop purchases made through the Patreon iOS app. Secondly, creators currently utilising first-of-the-month or per-creation billing will be forced to adopt a subscription-based model; the only option supported by Apple’s system.

Patreon emphasises that these changes will not affect existing members, only those who sign up via the iOS app from November onwards. However, for creators accustomed to alternative billing approaches, this shift represents a major disruption to their established workflows.

In an attempt to mitigate the impact of Apple’s 30% fee, Patreon has developed an optional tool that automatically increases prices within the iOS app to offset the cost. While this ensures creators continue to earn the same amount per membership, the decision ultimately rests with them.

Patreon acknowledges the lack of ideal solutions, stating:

“Obviously, neither of these solutions are ideal. But remember, Apple’s fees are only in the iOS app. Your prices on the web and the Android app will remain completely unaffected.”

To ease the transition to subscription billing, Patreon has initiated a 16-month migration process with a deadline of November 2025.  This includes phasing out first-of-the-month and per-creation billing models, a move dictated by Apple’s imposed timeline. 

Patreon is actively supporting creators throughout this process with a range of resources, including personalised assistance for those on per-creation billing, community forums on Discord, and comprehensive FAQs. 

“We didn’t choose this path, but we’re focusing our resources on making subscription billing an even better experience for creators and fans,” Patreon stresses.

Patreon says that it’s committed to continued dialogue with Apple in the hope of finding a more creator-friendly solution. However, even in the courts, previous attempts by other companies have had minimal success.

See also: Google: Third-party stores in Play Store would cost over $61M

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