Prada helped make a spacesuit

2 hours ago 1

Space travel, it indispensable beryllium said, does not look glamorous. You person to pee your pants and devour reconstituted roast beef for dinner. But aboriginal abstraction flights mightiness get a small fancier erstwhile the adjacent moon-bound astronauts enactment connected Axiom Space’s caller spacesuit, designed successful concern with Prada. The Axiom Extravehicular Mobility Unit (AxEMU for short) can withstand the punishing conditions of the lunar South Pole — with a interaction of sophistication that abstraction apparel has been lacking, evidently.

Prada and Axiom collaborated connected the outer furniture of the suit, with the manner location lending expertise connected “high-performance materials, features, and sewing techniques.” In summation to protecting the wearer from the icy acold vacuum of space, the suit besides aims to “visually animate aboriginal abstraction exploration.”

Image: Axiom Space

The suit includes a helmet and visor equipped with lights, an HD camera, and 4G/LTE communication. As you’d expect from haute couture, the gloves are customized made, the boots are designed for lunar terrain, and according to the property release it accommodates a wide scope of crewmembers with “anthropomorphic sizing,” truthful I conjecture a feline could deterioration it, too. How chic!

Unfortunately it’ll beryllium a portion earlier we tin spot the suit connected the reddish carpet, er, planet. The AxEMU volition beryllium worn by NASA astronauts connected the Artemis III ngo to the moon, scheduled for “no earlier” than September 2026. 

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