After decades of serving arsenic the named inspiration for the beloved franchise The Legend of Zelda, the series’ titular princess is yet getting her ain game. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, releasing September 26 for Nintendo Switch, gives Zelda her precise ain hero’s travel aft Link goes missing. But it does not, sadly springiness her her ain sword.
Players person been clamoring for Hyrule’s favourite princess to instrumentality the pb successful a Zelda crippled for years now, oregon astatine slightest to beryllium playable successful games similar Tears of the Kingdom. Excitement astir Zelda's triumph was immediately evident connected X aft Nintendo announced the crippled Tuesday during 1 of its Direct presentations. (Sample post: “I marque nary excuses for the idiosyncratic I volition go erstwhile I get to play arsenic PRINCESS ZELDA.”)
In Echoes of Wisdom, she’s tasked with rescuing Hyrule’s residents, Link included, who are being swallowed up by mysterious rifts. To prevention them, Zelda teams up with a fairy named Tri; equipped with the Tri Rod, Zelda tin make imitations of biology objects and enemies called echoes to lick puzzles and combat monsters.
In the game’s trailer, for example, Zelda learns however to replicate a table. She tin past spawn echoes of that array anyplace she wants, which allows the subordinate to make stairs and bridges made of tables. Similar to Tears of the Kingdom’s Ultrahand a Fuse abilities, the possibilities for echoes look beauteous open; the trailer shows her learning however to marque boxes, beds, rocks, and waterblocks to get astir and circumvent would-be obstacles. Echoes of monsters go allies who combat alongside her.
Echoes of Wisdom has a ocular benignant akin to the remake of The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening from 2019, but seems much successful enactment with the experimental quality of the series’ astir caller release, Tears of the Kingdom. During the presentation, longtime shaper Eiji Aonuma said that the squad “wanted to make a caller gameplay benignant that breaks conventions seen successful the past” with different top-down games. As for however galore echoes determination are, Aonuma says helium hasn’t counted them each yet.
Nintendo is besides releasing a gold, “Hyrule Edition” Nintendo Switch Lite on with the game.