There’s a cheap LED camera light hidden inside this fake film roll

5 months ago 47

Even if you switched to a integer camera decades ago, TTArtisan’s Mini LED Light is simply a amusive crushed to transportation astir a movie cartridge. Instead of a rotation of 35-millimeter movie inside, there’s a rechargeable artillery and an array of 15 LEDs. It’s not the brightest camera airy you tin buy, but it’s besides conscionable $7.

With conscionable 250 lumens of illumination you’ll request to presumption the airy wrong 10 feet of your taxable for it to beryllium of immoderate existent use. But, by mode of comparison, you tin bargain 18 of them for the aforesaid terms arsenic a azygous 400-lumen Lume Cube LED light.

The TTArtisan Super Mini LED Light attached to a magnetic blistery  footwear  attachment mounted to a camera.

An included magnetic blistery footwear equine lets you connect the airy to a camera.

Image: TTArtisan

The Mini LED Light’s 300mAh rechargeable artillery volition support it glowing for up to 180 minutes, and TTArtisan has adjacent included 3 colour somesthesia settings: 6,000K (cool), 4,500K (neutral), and 3,000K (warm). Its colour rendering scale of 95+ is amazingly close for specified a inexpensive light. An included magnetic acold footwear equine allows the airy to beryllium perched atop a camera, and it comes successful a tiny matching cardboard container that looks similar the ones 35-millimeter movie utilized to vessel in. (It besides has a lanyard hole).

TTArtisan sells the Mini LED Light done its online store, but shipping to the US costs $20, which somewhat negates its impulse acquisition appeal. You tin alternatively buy it done Amazon if you don’t caput a tiny terms bump to $9.90.

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